Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Patti Smith: Dream of Life

Smith with Filmmaker Sebring

Smith & Smith (R.I.P. Fred Sonic Smith- 20th Century)

A dress worn by Smith in her childhood

Patti & Robert Mapplethorpe

Persian Urn, belonging to Smith, containing the ashes of Robert Mapplethorpe

Tomory was sick with a cold for New Year's Eve, and went to bed early. I, being the night owl that I am, stayed up late and watched this compelling documentary on the artist Patti Smith.

I've always loved Patti, but this film renewed my love.

Shot over a period of over 10 years, by filmmaker Steven Sebring, the film is a beautiful meditation on what it means to be an artist, mother, wife, revolutionary in today's world.

Highly recommended if you can catch it.

Go here for the film's official website

and here to watch a conversation with the filmmaker.


Janis said...

Yes, very good. Only caught part of it, and hoping to see more -

Jennifer said...

The only problem that I had with the film was that it was a bit long...I guess editing 10+ years of footage is no easy task!

Cheryl Cambras said...

thanks for the tip. wonderful film!