Rarrr! He is the Yeti, and he is Mighty, and he was made by the talented Cheryl Cambras. He even has a little removable back-pack (containing a voice recorder...which allows him to say 'Rarrr!! I'm Hungry!!!'...but don't tell him that). He says he doesn't like to have his picture taken, but he is quite photogenic. He has been living with me for a little while, but tomorrow he is going to live with Giangiacomo, for Giangiacomo's birthday. The Yeti is excited about this change of scenery. Rarrr!!!
I cut out the pieces for my very first patterned sewing project. It's an A- line smock. The "Smashing Smock" to be exact. The pattern is fromAnna Maria Horner's book "Seams to Me." I LOVE this book. For a novice like me- it explains everything really well, and makes me feel like I can really complete the projects in the book. Plus the book is full of Anna Maria's gorgeous, colorful, textiles. Wish me luck! The fabric is Nani Iro Fuccura 2008 by Naomi Ito.
So, here are the rules;step 1: Respond & rework-answer the questions on your own blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own. step 2: Tag-eight other un-tagged people.
What is your current obsession? Giangiacomo! Happy Birthday my little friend! What are you wearing now? J.Crew matchstick jeans, Madewell T-Shirt, New Balance Sneakers (my work shoes). Silver jewelry, J.Crew necklace. My glasses. Virginia Johnson Shawl. Do you nap a lot?Not as much as I'd like to. Who was the last person you hugged? A patient at work. Which item from your closet are you wearing most lately? My new trenchcoat! What's for dinner? Minestrone soup a la Tomory. What was the last thing you bought? Raisinettes. What are you listening to right now? NPR. What is your favorite weather, and why? Autumnal. Where it is chilly, the air is crisp, and the leaves are red, orange, yellow...it just makes me feel alive. What time do you usually get up?6:20 am. What is your most challenging goal right now?Finishing our wedding planning. Say something to the person who tagged you: You are so inspiring. I love your inventiveness. I hope we get to meet in NYC one day! If you could have a house-totally paid for, fully furnished-anywhere in the world, where you want it to be? Well, it would be nice to have our house in L.A. totally paid off and furnished...but I'd love to live in a farmhouse on the Central Coast of California. Or Big Sur... or anywhere in Japan! Favorite vacation spot? The desert- Joshua Tree, CA. Name the things you cannot live without: Love, friendship, art, nature. Good food and wine. What movies can you watch over and over? Breakfast at Tiffany's. Anything by Kieslowski, or David Lean. What is your favorite tea flavor? Darjeeling. What are you reading right now? My Life in France by Julia Child. What is your current guilty pleasure? Facebook.
Just returned from the desert. One of our retreats:Hope Springsin Desert Hot Springs. A treasure in the desert- and HIGHLY recommended for a getaway from L.A. You swim, soak in the natural hot springs, eat, rest. More pictures to follow. I hope you all had a restful weekend.
Sometimes you've just gotta mix in some basics with the funky stuff.J.Crew is always a go- to for me for interesting staples. I'm lovingToast this spring as well for more classic items.I'd mingle these items in with this cute dress from Built By Wendy and this amazing Rachel Comey number from Beklina. The newNaomi Ito fabrics are up!!
Tomory and I are going to the desert for a few days. Have a good weekend, I'll be back next week with pictures!
Tomory's mother was in town for his opening. I have to say I feel so lucky to have her in my life. She is so thoughtful. She bought us some flowers for Valentine's Day...pictured above...roses and tulips.
I was so stunned to receive some jewelry from her as a gift: a new ring and bracelet! Both in silver and turquoise. She knows how much I love Native American crafts, especially jewelry. The plain silver bracelet is one I've had forever. Since I was a young girl in high school.
Native American jewelry + the flowers = Georgia O'Keeffe. Whom I idolized in high school. I still do I suppose- I hope I look like her as I grow older! I love her beautiful wrinkles...I always think of her as someone who aged gracefully...someone who was unafraid to let herself look her age.
I love microbiology. And I love Kris'sColorStripes. So when Kris created series of mushrooms (see more examples of her Cabinet of Curiosities) I just had to have one...the details are amazing! The time that went into making this- a little piece of art - such a bargain for something so beautiful and well- made.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Orange & green around the house and yard yesterday and today. Tomory's opening went really well- the paintings looked wonderful, and it was fun to see everyone and enjoy the work.