Tuesday, May 21, 2013

ERMIE at THE Unique Camp!

I am very excited to announce that I will be conducting a dyeing workshop at the Unique Camp, which will take place June 6-9th! My workshop will feature a basic introduction to color theory, dyeing techniques with both natural indigo and synthetic dyes, in a non-judgmental, supportive setting. I'll assist each student with their work- everyone will complete a take home project! 

"A 4-day creative conference that strategically curates workshops and experiences in three areas to stimulate both the mind and body.  There are small business workshops, creative art classes and outdoor challenges - all designed to help entrepreneurs thrive by stimulating both sides of the brain. 

 Registered Campers will choose the classes and workshops best suited for them from a long list of offerings such as Finding & Working with Investors, Product Photography that Sells, Search Engine Optimization, Finding Your Voice/Telling Your Story, and How to be a Great Boss.  

Just like at summer camp, each day Campers attend scheduled classes and then have 'free time' when they can try their hand at archery, go for a horseback ride, lounge by the pool, nap under the shade of a huge pine tree, and loads more"

Registration is still open and there are a few spots left! Check out some of the other speakers here- it's quite a line up!

I hope to see you there! 

Photo 2 by Milena Silvano


Cheryl Cambras said...

Awesome. They're lucky to have you!

Puno said...

Woot! I can't wait to make these!