Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lina Rennell/ Russell Crotty/ Foam Magazine

Above: Photographs courtesy of FOAM Magazine
Below: Photograph Courtesy of Lina Rennell, Spring '10...doesn't it look exciting??

This post is a bit of an embarrassment for me. Until yesterday, I didn't make the connection that Angelina of Beklina (the amazing store & lovely blog) is Lina Rennell. It took Angelina's latest post on her blog to enlighten me. It's about an article on her and her family, work, and beautiful home in Northern CA- from FOAM Magazine. I have admired Angelina for her boutique and blog for a long time, and now my admiration is triple-quadrupled because, well, she is one of my favorite designers.
You can look at the article and the entire issue online here. While perusing the online issue, I discovered it featured an article on our friend Russell Crotty. Russell was a professor at Cal Arts when Tomory was in grad school there. Russell is also represented by the same gallery as Tomory in NYC, the wonderful CRG
(hi, Richard, Carla, and Glenn :) .

The above photos were taken by myself at Russell's opening in January of this year. I'm not sure why I never posted them, because Russell is a wonderful artist and person- but here you go now!
Enjoy. And thanks, Angelina for clearing up my addled brain.


  1. i had no idea, either! i love beklina, truly one of the nicest stores out there.

  2. Lots of links to follow, oh boy! Here I go ... Thanks Jennifer :)

  3. ha -I didn't know either:)
    but I'm glad I know now -I love Beklina, and the Lina Rennell line.
