Monday, August 24, 2009

Marimekko Autumn

I adore Marimekko. The 1st & second photographs are from their new Fall fabric lines, and I'm enjoying the clothing (as usual) also. The bottom photograph is a classic Marimekko piece that I've been wanting for years. Maybe this year will finally be the year!

All photographs from Kiitos Marimekko and the global Marimekko site.


  1. as always, their fabric is amazing. too bad it's so pricey, otherwise i would have used something for leon's custom baby carrier.

  2. i love those new fall fabrics. just stunning!

    that last peice is pretty, i hope youøll have this dream fulfilled :)

  3. that first fabric is crazy awesome!

  4. i love the drawings and the clothing!!!!

  5. Wow. I love the yellow and black dress. I've be obsessed with black backgrounds for prints.

  6. Erica- yes! I'm infatuated with their textiles... $$$ though. How did Leon's baby carrier turn out??

    Trinsch, thank-you :)

    Jenny: I know!! That's what I thought! I'd totally wear a dress made out of that print.

    Renilde: Yes, amazing, right? (But then, so is your work! I LOVE your new pincushions).

    I really liked the yellow dress, too. When I do posts like these, I often pretend I'm a shopkeeper (like yourself:) and I'm selecting what I'd carry in my store. I left a funny comment on your blog...please clear up my confusion! xo

  7. I love those tights. So vibrant.

  8. Wonderful fabrics and patterns ... love the tights!

  9. Oh I love this two fabrics Jennifer!... We could sew some beautiful things with them!
