Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mina Perhonen F/W 09-10 Catalog GIVEAWAY!

Above: My new Mina Perhonen Bag that my brother-in-law Alex brought all the way from Japan! The little creature on the bag is a mushroom, collecting mushrooms in it's basket. The design is flocked, and the mushroom has a black rhinestone beauty mark!

Below: As promised- sharing goodness with you that I have received in the mail as of late- images from the new Fall/ Winter Mina Perhonen Catalog!
...and I happen to have an extra copy....keep reading....

This is my 250th Post...another excuse for a giveaway. I'd love to give one of you my extra copy of the aforementioned catalog. Just leave a comment under this post, you have until Midnight Pacific Time Sunday, August 30th. I'll post the lucky winner on Monday, August 31st.
Tell me about a designer you love- a fashion designer, textile designer, furniture designer, architect...anyone you are currently into! Good luck- and as always, thanks for reading and commenting.

**UPDATE, Katie of Los Angeles, you are the Winner of the M.P. Catalog! Please contact me via email (located under my profile) with your mailing address. Congrats and Thanks (all) !


  1. Currently, I am completely enthralled with Margaret Elman of Chair Couture:
    I would be SO thrilled to have a piece of furniture that she's reupholstered in my house, though I'm not so sure that that's likely...the prices are more than a bit high, haha. =)

  2. Right now I'm really digging Karen Barbé:

    And through her blog:
    I just found out about this amazing Macedonian apron show:

    LOVE your new bag!

  3. Elyse & Cheryl-
    wow! Both designers I've never really looked at, and great choices.

    I love the Macedonian Aprons at Karen Barbé's site, and the Dandelion/ Field Bed at Margaret E.'s site!

  4. I am actually reading this book about Josef Albers who was a designer and painter that headed the Yale Design Program back in the 50s and 60s. His book "To Open Eyes" is a complete revelation. He taught Rauschenberg, De Kooning,...a handful of ridiculous painters and architects. His classes became requirements for all art and design students regardless of their focus. It is a treat.

    I love your blog by the way :).

  5. Present- tenses...Josef Albers, yes, so amazing. He was at the foundation of our color theory classes way, way, back when I was but a freshman in art school!

  6. That is a really cute bag!! I had never seen it before! Such a nice present ;)

  7. inspiration...marimekko, lucienne day, sonia delaunay, chie mihara (those shoes!), sister corita (the COLORS!).

    i can't wait to look at the links that other folks have left.

    i love coming to your blog for inspiration; can't wait to see more of YOUR collection, too!

  8. I love the reincarnated furniture of Nightwood:

    they have some wonderful textile pieces as well. And I like that it is a collaboration between two people.
    I think collaborations always produce the best work.

  9. I love that tote - I am so jealous! :)

    There are way too many artists, designers, writers ... so I will simplify by saying children under 7years are my inspiration when it comes to art. I am obsessed by their unedited approach to creativity. Total abandonment - it is what it is - pure and simple ...

  10. inspired by the posts that jenny and anabela wrote, i've been loving bodkin's blog lately. i like her informative and thought provoking posts on sustainable production and materials. the clothes aren't too bad either. ;) wink.
    happy 250th and thank you for the giveaway! (LOVE mina..)

  11. I have been enjoying the easy lines and usefulness of Fog Linen Work lately.

  12. well.... he isn't a new designer but He is my favorite architect, The big one, mon maître absolu (ok Corbu un peu aussi !) Louis Kahn. Our architecture teachers were so fanatic about him !!!!

  13. I would like to suggest the architect Terunobu Fujimori. I just happened to read about him for the first time recently and what struck me about his work is its fantastical but quite solid nature. He seems to make real the houses and buildings one might have dreamed of as a child ("there will be a tiny room here and a ladder leading up to it...and over here...").
