Friday, October 21, 2011

Tadayuki Kawahito (+ READ BOOKS, Eagle Rock)

More used Books! These two I found on separate occasions at Read Books in Eagle Rock.
This is a great little bookstore. They carry an assortment of new magazines, a few new books, and have a truly eclectic selection of used books. You have to dig a little, but there are some gems in there for sure.

Tadayuki Kawahito is a photographer whom I had never heard of before I found these books; I still know very little about him- the information on him on the internet is extremely scant.

This book below, Mellow, from what I can tell, documents a trip that he took to California (some of the photos are of Los Angeles) to visit the Self Realization Fellowship's Lake Shrine Temple in Pacific Palisades. The book is in fact dedicated to Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.


Why I like actual books (as opposed to a Kindle, etc.): details like this. If you remove the book's dustcover, it reveals a delicate imprint of a leaf.


Okay. This is pretty crazy. Mellow was published in 1989. The above photo is of a Missile Test from the book. The painting below is by my husband,Tomory, and was made in 2003, in response to an actual Missile Test (a Minuteman III ICBM launch from Vandenberg AFB) we saw in the early evening of Sept.19, 2002. The launch wasn't widely publicised prior to it's occurrence, and apparently, most launches of this type take place in the middle of the day or night--rarely at dusk. It was a total surprise to us: it was in the months leading up to the Iraq war, it was only a year after September 11th, international tensions were high, and when we saw this on our way home from the grocery store- it scared the shit out of me (T. was inspired to make a series of paintings- ha !).
One of the paintings that resulted from that series (pictured below), if memory serves, was actually the very first he ever exhibited at ACME in Los Angeles.

night test b.

Above: Tomory Dodge, Night Test, 2003, oil on canvas 72 x 60 in.


Below: Pyramid, also by Kawahito. Published circa 1983.

I loved the font that was used so much on the cover of Pyramid, that I gave a picture of it to Katie (my muse and model from S/S '11!) for inspiration when I asked her to design the ERMIE logo.


Obviously documenting a journey to Egypt.

I found this book first, before Mellow. I love how intentionally underexposed many of the photos are...I feel like it makes you examine the photos more closely to pick out all of the details.

When I started my Tumblr last year, some of the first images I posted were from this book.
They just went so well with the very first image I posted to Tumblr- Ermie on a camel in front of the Pyramids!

Whew! Thanks for bearing with me-long post. I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope that it illustrated how inspiration can come from very unexpected sources.

Have a great weekend.


  1. those books are so amazing! such good finds.

  2. that lady looks like she's wearing the magic marker print!

  3. Amazing finds, Jennifer! Total inspiration.

  4. Renee, Elizabeth, Jocy: So glad you like them!

    Jade: !!! I didn't even think about that but you are so right.
    I that particular photograph is one of my favorites in the I realize why (seems so obvious now that you said it). Thanks!

  5. Jade beat me to first thought was Magic Marker print too! Lovely inspirations.

    Beautiful, beautiful painting.
