Thursday, October 20, 2011


Pots, food, clothing (and some books) that's all I seem to be posting about lately! It is what it is.

There's been a lot going on with me personally this past year (it's all good), but I haven't felt like divulging too much here. When it comes to writing on this blog, I favor a less is more approach. I envy other bloggers who can write very well. Kate (whom I consider to fall into the aforementioned category) ironically, posted about this same subject earlier this week.

The above photos are more shots of Kent Rothman's work (I posted some iPhone pics on my Tumblr a few pages back) which is currently on exhibit in a group show at Xiem, and a couple shots of the drying-waiting- to- be- fired- or- glazed area in the back of Xiem.

P.S.The top photo is not of a big rock, but a ceramic sculpture made to resemble a big rock! Photo #2 is a detail shot of the same sculpture.


  1. man, that marbled wood-like clay is amazing! thanks for posting, awesome. also, the ceramic "rock" made me think of this article, sure you've heard a lot of controversy over this one living in los angeles...

  2. I love all these photos, amazing.

  3. The bowl with the bit of blue/green on the inside - lovely! With blogging, facebook, twitter, there's so much that isn't private anymore. Personal is personal. I like your posts because they are still personal, without divulging everything!

  4. Sasha,
    Yr welcome! I had heard about the piece...but not about the controversy! Will have to check out the link.

    Oami. Thanks! Glad I went back & took more pictures.

    Jen- thanks. Thought you'd like them.

    AM- Isn't that one brilliant? So many of his forms appear to be influenced by the California coast--it makes sense he would add a little "water" to his vessels. That's my fav.
    As far as the digital age & the private vs. The personal ...
    I've come this close to deleting my personal FB account (ERMIE still does not have a FB page) I cannot imagine opening a twitter account, and I've thought about shutting this blog down & just keeping the Tumblr...but I'm glad you are getting what I am trying to go for with this blog. Thanks.

  5. dang! agree with sasha about the marbled clay! what the hell? so good.

    i feel ya on the writing subject. looking back at my blog i realized i used to write a lot more, now i don't so much and was thinking maybe i have fewer viewers because i don't write much anymore? not sure about it.
