Monday, April 13, 2009

Mudpuppy Bud Vases

I've posted about Michael McDowell's work before. His ceramics line, Mudpuppy, is so great. Michael is always coming up with new ideas. When I was recently poking around Etsy for wedding decorations, I took a peek at what Michael was up to and came across these bud vases. Simple, organic in form, made by hand.
I plan to use them on the tables at dinner- and then folks can take them home if they want!
Oh, and I just had to take pictures of the flowers I used...they were just so pretty in the sun, sitting on the kitchen counter.


  1. i like this kind of ceramic.
    handmade, imperfect.

  2. it´s goin to look wonderful there! good choice:)

  3. Love the combination of ceramic and minimal design ! Flowers are so pretty!! ox
