Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Studio Visit With Madeleine Dodge

Madeleine is one of the most inspiring people I know. She is thoughtful, kind, intelligent, and has raised three wonderful boys (one of which to whom I am fortunate to be married). She radiates beauty and light.

 Madeleine is also a life-long practicing artist, and is devoted to her work as a creator. When we were in Denver for Christmas, I asked to go to her studio. It was a visit that was very much overdue. 

 There are few things I love more than being able to get a glimpse into the creative process of others, and this studio visit was especially meaningful and exciting for me. I hope you enjoy these images of our time together.

As we close 2013, and enter the New Year, I wish you many fulfilling, creative, moments in 2014. 

(Thank you Madeleine).


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