Monday, November 28, 2011

Blue, pt. 2

Indigo Workshop
Indigo Workshop
Indigo Workshop
Indigo Workshop
Indigo Workshop
Indigo Workshop
Indigo Workshop
Indigo Workshop
Indigo Workshop
Indigo Workshop
Indigo Workshop
Indigo Workshop
Indigo Workshop
Indigo Workshop
Indigo Workshop
Indigo Workshop

As excited as I was about working with natural indigo and learning how use it as a dye, I was equally excited about where the Indigo Workshop was being held: the home of Beatrice Valenzuela -- designer, hairdresser, gourmand extraordinaire, and all- around creative goddess.

I met her briefly at a party this past summer, and was immediately smitten. As my friend Hadley once said about Bea (paraphrasing a bit here) : "She has a knack for bringing creative people together; everything seems a little magical when you are around Bea."

One can tell she and her partner Ramsey, with whom she shares the Echo Park home, have a mutual appreciation for art and all things handcrafted.

As a part of the workshop's fee, both a light brunch and late lunch were provided.
Beatrice made a delicious, brothy, pork soup and served it with nuts, fruits, a baguette, and cheese. Cardamom laced coffee was prepared: warm when we arrived in the morning, and iced with cream in the afternoon.

The entire afternoon was full of warmth-- due in equal parts to both the sunny weather and Beatrice's hospitality. I feel pretty confident in saying that I think we all felt that it was the perfect setting for the perfect afternoon. Thank you Beatrice!

(I love how many of the workshop participants wore their Beatrice Valenzuela shoes, myself included, as a tiny homage to our hostess.)


  1. Love the shoes. It is great when 'creative people' come together. I wish I cout come too!

  2. Her home is beautiful as are her shoes!

  3. Whoah, major envy! That sounds amazing.

  4. Sounds like a wonderful day - major envy here too! Yeah for indigo and natural dyeing.

  5. Thank you for your kind words. It was an absolute pleasure having such a wonderful group o creative ladies here. I cant wait to do it again!

  6. bea's shoes and those ceramics - so good.

  7. wow, this looks like one amazing day! i love how it still looks like summer there- seriously!!!

  8. so rad! looks like the best and most productive time! such good colors to be seen. <3

  9. This is a really lovely post. Oh the shoes!
