Tuesday, April 26, 2011


...the house & garden.
Also- I have not been around much!

I just got back from a jaunt to OC and San Diego. It's good to be home...but I did get to see the Calder show at the OC Museum of Art, and stumbled upon the Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona Del Mar- worth a visit if you are ever in that area!


Used these in pasta for dinner. Fresh peas are the best.


Baby grapes! Finally! Looks like we are also going to have Blood Oranges this year as well.



Impromptu Strawberry tart. I made this recipe up. Turned out pretty well!

Bring 2 cups of fresh halved or quartered strawberries to a low boil with a little water (1/4- 1/2 cup), 1/4 cup sugar (add less or more to taste), and the juice from 1/2 lemon.
Add 1/8 cup (you can use less) cornstarch mixed with 1-2 Tablespoons water to the strawberry mixture- it will quickly thicken. Remove from heat. Place mixture in bowl in the fridge to cool for 15-30 minutes.
Then scoop out mixture & spread onto a pre-made pie crust (found in the refrigerated section of your grocery store...not frozen! The kind you unroll.) Leave a 1" border . I placed the pie crust flat on parchment paper on a baking sheet. Fold over & pleat edges of the crust. Brush the crust edges with a thin layer egg wash (1 beaten egg and a little water). Place in oven that has been pre- heated to 425 degrees. Bake about 20-30 minutes or until the crust is golden brown and the tart is bubbling in the center. Turn the heat down to around 325 if the edges of the tart are browning too quickly. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream or fresh whipped cream.

Eat any leftovers with coffee for breakfast the next day :)



Irvine Ranch. We went to T's cousin's wedding there over the weekend.


Beautiful patterns on a cactus and assorted flowers at the Sherman Library and Gardens.
Below: blurry pic of some vibrant ground cover taken somewhere on the I-5.



  1. mmm that strawberry tart looks sticky and YUM!
    you were in san diego?! hope you enjoyed yr time spent there :) :)

  2. oh my, i want to eat that tart right now!
    and beautiful veggies :)

  3. these pics are gorgeous jennifer. especially the ones of the ranch, and your bounty from the veggie patch looks amazing.

  4. Beautiful photographs as always. What is the white flower with the purple polka dots?

  5. Natasha, only in San Diego one day/night sadly. It is beautiful there!

    Anne- Marie: Thanks :)
    It is some type of orchid. I did not take down the name... I love the random spots...possible inspiration for a future textile design!

  6. that cactus is killing me. such a GORGEOUS photo! (sorry I missed you last night! Dress - vintage YSL!)

  7. Heather, thanks!
    Truly- that cactus was Huge & breathtaking. I'd never seen that variety before.

    Vintage YSL- should have guessed!

  8. ah, i miss SD..and proximity to the desert.
    i love the jewelry calder made for his woman. saw an exhibit of his at SFMOMA a long time ago.

  9. fresh peas really are the best. i remember eating them straight out of the garden when i was little. that's the only way i like them. :)
    thanks for sharing that recipe! i've been looking for new strawberry desserts, and i can't wait to try it.
