Monday, June 28, 2010

Win/ win

Our first meal of the season eaten al fresco on our backyard patio.

I made a gazpacho with a cucumber, fresh tarragon, chives, basil and oregano from our garden (tomatoes were store bought- ours aren't ripe yet).

Tomory grilled some rib-eye steaks, asparagus, and onions.


****The winner of the Seattle Giveaway is: Marie !
Marie, Please email me (located under my profile) your mailing address.

Congratulations, and thank you all for reading, commenting, and your continued support.


  1. Oh I'm disappointed!!! But that's great for Marie!!!!

  2. Chouette ! It's the first time that I win a giweavay ! Thank you Jennifer !!!

  3. Your meal is inspiring! Also, how do you get those crystal clear close up pics? Is it your camera? Or magic?

  4. Claire, I'm sorry :( but thanks for being such a sweet reader!

    Marie, you are welcome! I've never sent anything to Belgium before!

    Megan- it's the camera & good natural light...if you go back to 2008 and read my first posts, the photography is quite sad. I hadn't figured out how to use a digital camera, and the digital macro function on the camera!
