Friday, June 25, 2010

Seattle Give-A-Way!

A give away is in order to celebrate the milestone of recently surpassing 500 posts on my blog!

My Knit Album is a Japanese crafting book that I purchased in Seattle that I am giving away to one lucky reader.
This is such a pretty little book. The photographs in it are reminiscent of a TOAST catalog...full of interesting colors and patterns. Instructions on how to knit the projects featured in the book are written in Japanese, but if you have experience knitting, you may be able to decipher the illustrated diagrams.

I love that one of the models is an elderly woman- she is wearing the best outfits in the book.

I picked the book up at the Kinokuniya, which is attached to the grocery store Uwajimaya. Spent a couple of hours here on my trip...I could spend endless amounts of time (and money) in both stores.

In addition to the book, the winner will receive some tiny assorted notebooks, and washi masking tape.

You have until 12 midnight PST Sunday 6/27/10 to leave a comment under this post! I will draw the winner's name at random, and announce the winner on Monday 6/28/10. Good luck.


  1. great. I'm not in though, as I cannot either knit nor read japanese but I just wanted to comment on how cool indeed that lady looks. I want to be her when I grow up :)

  2. Oh yes, I love this book you know!... So elegant this woman!
    But if I win it, I'll pay the shipment charges of course!

  3. Claire- no way (sweet of you to offer though). I will pay the shipping fees- free shipping of the prize to anywhere in the world is included for whomever wins!

  4. Congratulations, Jennifer! 500 posts... whoa. I was thrilled to get to 100! I do knit, and would accept the challenge of deciphering the patterns if I am the lucky winner.

  5. congrats on 500 posts, jennifer!

    mmm, uwajimaya...this makes me homesick for seattle.

    i love the elderly model, too!

  6. yes, please! that distinguished gal is my new idol.

  7. Thank you so much Jennifer! For your kindness and your adorable comment on my blog!!!
    Have a lovely week end!

  8. 2 beautiful women in this post...thanks for sharing such loveliness and warmth. And, yes, very Toast. xo

  9. beautiful book! the elderly lady is absolutely stunning.

  10. Lovely book ! 500 posts, congratulations ! Have a nice week-end !

  11. Congratulations Jennifer!
    That book looks rad...

  12. what a lovely giveaway and congrats on the milestone!

  13. congrats jennifer on 500 posts! that elderly model is the best.
    thank you for the giveaway!

  14. june 27th my birthday!
    congrats on all of it jennifer..
