Thursday, June 17, 2010

Photos courtesy of Maryam Nassir Zadeh

Now that's what I'm talking about!

When I mentioned making clothing more like art a couple of days ago, afterwards I came across images of this dress by Susan Cianciolo that perfectly illustrates what I was trying to write about.

For her latest collection Cianciolo is using organic cotton and re-purposed fabrics, as well as dyes made from fruit!

One of a kind, hand stitched details, interesting combination of materials- so exquisite. I would wear this in a
heart beat.

Via Weird Friends

You can also catch a glimpse of one of her pieces in this post I did last fall (it's the detail shot of the yellow blouse).

** As of today I'll be in Seattle for about a week. I'll post again here when I return. Please think good travel thoughts for me, say a prayer, what have you- I'll be flying out this morning...and I have a terrible phobia about flying.
Love to travel, HATE to fly. What are you gonna do?

Thanks & have a wonderful week!


  1. absolutely stunning. i wonder what kinds of fruits she used?
    have a wonderful wonderful trip to seattle! yay!

  2. After the fact, but I'm sending good travel vibes your way... use them for the return flight!

  3. I love that first picture of a shirt/dress. Handmade clothing like this is up and beyond typical fashion. It's great inspiration for what you will be doing!

  4. Always sending good thoughts during travel...I know you will be OK. I'm not sure if I've mentioned but I don't like flying either. I try to do deep breathing and remember that i WILL safely arrive at my destination...obviously!!! Have a lovely time in Seattle :) xxoo

  5. Maybe we passed each other on the street. I was just there from the 17th until the 22nd. Boy wasn't it cold.
