Monday, May 3, 2010

Red, red, red

Can't believe we grew these ourselves...l
ike delicious rubies.


  1. they actually look like they are glowing from the inside. magic. i had my first strawberry of the season at a bbq last night - transcendent! XO

  2. ddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelicious!!!

    i have some berries at home that will be going down the hatch tonight after dinner. NOM NOM NOM.

  3. Wow! Before I read your caption, I just figured "those look delicious" and figured they were from a market. I am quite impressed, and jealous! They do look like they're glowing. Now I need to get me some fresh berries!

  4. perfect little gems! they look ready to eat for sure :) and i love your silver bracelet...definitely ties the whole scene together!

  5. Those look great! I'm jealous. I kill plants. Like the bracelet too.

  6. I just ate strawberries!!! My children love them!!! Your new banner is gorgeous!
