Friday, April 2, 2010

Give-Away: A Few of My Favorite Things

If you read this blog, then you are likely aware of two of my favorite things of late: Patti Smith's memoir "Just Kids" and Liberty/ Merci's collaboration.

I came into possession of an additional copy of of "Just Kids" via KCRW's Bookworm Book Club (subscribe to KCRW, and become a member- I did! KCRW & Michael Silverblatt are also favorites mine).

I don't need two copies, so I'm giving one away, along with these journals and envelopes from Liberty's collaboration with Merci (the bracelets were sold out, sorry- I tried!).

You have until 12 midnight Pacific Time Easter Sunday (4/4/10) to enter. Just leave a comment under this post, tell me a couple of your favorite things. I'll draw the names of 3 winners at random, and announce the results Monday 4/5/10.

One person will receive 1 journal , another person will receive 1 journal and 1 envelope each, and one person will receive the book, a journal, and an envelope.

Good luck!


  1. Have you heard Patti Smith on 'Fresh Air' a few months ago? It's a great interview!

  2. love your blog!

    a few of my favorite things:
    *walking my dog in the sun.
    *finding that perfect vintage fabric at the thrift store (so rare).
    *the way time slips by when i'm creating something i love--sewing, making jewelry, painting ,etc..


  3. i forgot about this book and then i saw it at a bookstore yesterday. adam & i are both lusting after it! would be incestuous for me to enter? i really want it;)

    hmm...favorite things- hugs, naps, seeing old friends, feeling the warmth of sunshine after a cold winter, oh and dessert- any kind of dessert!

  4. *bunny tails
    *vaughan monroe
    *nate's volcano drawings
    *this blog!

  5. Thanks for the Merci/Liberty post!:

    -all Merci/Liberty products, especially the print tape

    -Liberty of London for target, especially the oilcloth bags and home decor

    -paper and cup design old school letter set

    -impress and savvy rubber stamps

    -letterpress stationery

    -bunny rabbits and sea otters

  6. Raindrops on roses, and whiskers--wait--that's wrong...

    MY favorite things right now:
    -spending time with my family and friends
    -eating way too much Nutella (is there such a thing?)
    -feeling creative and driven to work on new designs for my jewelry
    -reading all the stylishly inspirational posts here and on all the other blogs in my new Google Reader

  7. Nice, I hope I win. Come see me, we are also doing a giveaway. :)

  8. Hello! I'd love any (all, really) of the three. Some of my favorite things: a good cup of coffee on a lazy Sunday morning, strolling through flea markets, visiting used bookstores, reading outside on a sunny day, shuffling through a pile of fallen leaves.

  9. I like your favorite things. It's hard to choose my own, have so many :) But today it's the easter eggs on our breakfast table, a new book about swedish pattern from the 60´s and a drawing from my son.

  10. one more person entering for :)

    have a bright weekend!

  11. ohhh, great giveaway! some faves are:
    earl grey tea (decaf)
    listening to neko case
    liberty and nani iro fabrics

  12. My, you are A generous girl...

    Let's's favorite things:
    1)Pasta with oyster mushrooms, feta and olives.
    2)An afternoon snooze fest
    3)Your blog

    xo, j.

  13. waking up and realizing it was just a dream..
    touching moss
    camping in the desert
    sewing quickly without thinking
    falling asleep straight away at nite
    reading biographies

  14. OK, I'm stacking the deck here by posting a comment. I want this too! I just had a conversation about this book with someone; the perfect companion to Please Kill Me. I'd buy it, but I have no money - have pity on me!

    Um, favorite things? Christ, I dunno...modernism, parks on sunny days, beer, soccer, friends, punk. There you have it. Do what you will... We miss you guys! Adam.

  15. woow, great giveaway! My favorite things for this year is to grow lots of vegetables and hearbs. another thing is to go fishing! xoxo

  16. This IS a great giveaway, Jennifer! Am I being too greedy after winning that amazing Mina Perhonen catalog last year?

    If it's allowed, my favorites right now are:
    Ramona, my almost 3-week old.
    Sleep, when it comes.
    That single cup of tea in the good.

  17. Amy, Adam & Katie- you guys are too funny! I don't mind if you enter- I'm glad you did! I always get a little anxious about doing a give away "what if I throw a give away and no one enters" kind of thing. So I'm actually relieved that you all commented!

    A & A- missed you two very much today at the Joller's Easter brunch! Holidays just aren't the same without you.

    Katie- congratulations!! I've actually been checking the Slow Season website for updates-
    Ramona is a great name, and I'm sure she's keeping you busy. Email me when the Slow Season is up & running (when you have time :)
    so I can remind everyone here of your lovely work!

  18. a few of my favorite things:
    * hot chocolate (with marshmallows, of course)
    * puppies (oh, puppies!)
    * comic books
    * crisp cotton sheets
    * audiobooks

    cheers for the giveaway! the patti smith book is on my "to-read-after-grad-school" list.


  19. Hi,I found your lovely blog so randomly just minutes ago.
    And I really really wish to win your lovely giveaway cause one of my favorites is winning! ;)

  20. Love your blog. Easy reading. Inspiring. Nice. And I'm probably to late to enter the competition. Internet broke down in my area during easter, ad a strike, and the whole town practically stands still for weeks. That's sad, because I love Patti Smith.
