Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Corner View: Evening

Evening is not my friend, lately.
It is too dark and goes by too quickly.

My sewing machine mocks me in the evening: "Why aren't you working on me?"

I guess I'm not ready for the winter.

I miss the evenings of summer. Sitting on our back patio, the sun not yet set at 8pm, eating tomatoes off the vines from our garden, and drinking cold wine.

Click here for more evenings (that are hopefully more cheerful than mine).


  1. I miss those evenings too!

  2. In winter i miss the long summerevenings and in summer i long for some darkness ;-)

  3. Yes, winter can be hard. Last night it was a very cold rainy night here in Georgia!

  4. sorry darling,
    mine are even darker than yours, if that´s possible ;)
    let´s stay on the positive side, though- i soooo wait for the snow!

  5. I like the winter nights though they definitely pose a challenge...I get sleepy very early and it is so hard to do projects in that state. The sewing machine waiting in the dim light - so familiar... xo

  6. Those summer evenings are the BEST! Love your corner view today. Cheers ~ Conny

  7. I debated about whether to post this.
    It's a negative post.
    Life isn't always rosy.

    But, like Daan said, it 's funny and true: I'm sure there were times in the hot summer months where I longed for some coolness & darkness.

    Thank -you all for visiting, and your positive words!

  8. oh! but your evening is lovely! kenza

  9. i hear you, sis! all i want to do is lie around doing nothing while about three grazillion projects are calling my name. and the sun...come back! good news is that in less than a couple of weeks the days will begin getting longer again. a glimmer of hope in the winter.

  10. yup. I'm with you and everyone else in the energy lacking dept. but cate's right, the darkest is nearly over, a couple of weeks and, hey presto, the light's back (kind of) :)

    I'm off to bed with a book, as a matter of fact. sod it.

  11. i have been neglecting my sewing machine so much that i wonder if it still recognises me. so much to do... so little time :)

  12. your machine is laughing too. Oh my , i thought it was just mines..Each day snicker snicker as i walk by , or run by chasing after my daughter!! It will be done is my new motto !!!!
    had a pleasure peeking in and reading ~
