Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tomory and I took our traditional Day After Thanksgiving Walk on the beach. It was actually yesterday, as I had to work at the clinic on Friday.

Windy but gorgeous.
There were film crews about, and other people snapping photos of each other.
We saw a seagull playing with a little stick: he would fly up into the air with it, then drop it, then try to catch it before it hit the ground.

It felt a little odd walking without some of our friends that we usually walk with, but it was still nice.

Afterwards, we browsed books at Hennessey and Ingalls and had dinner at K-Zo with Cheryl, Max & N8.

Great day.

Felt good.


  1. This post made me feel good :^) and that is the best "graffiti" I've seen in a long time. Happy day...

  2. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
    I love the ocean! These photos make me feel relaxed...

  3. now i am sad... i miss those annual walks on the beach! i'm starting to think we start flying back to LA for thanksgiving!


    ps..i want to see some T-day pics, esp. of little GG.
