Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mr. Stripey

As some of you are aware, So.Cal is in the middle of a firestorm and heatwave. The air quality is terrible, and the heat is stifling. We finally broke down and purchased a portable AC unit, as the air is so unsafe to breathe, there is not much to do but stay inside.
Imagine trying to knit (and sew) fall garments in triple-digit heat.
The air conditioner has made things slightly more bearable.
So I have been working on my Mr. Stripey Slouch Cowl. Pictured above. I'll probably try to finish it tonight, camped in front of the AC.


  1. I love your cowls. are you using blue sky alpaca?
    hoping that the fires are under control soon.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks Martha,
    Blue Sky Alpaca. Kind of pricey, but it knits up so well. And they have such great colors, like deep purple ;)

  4. ooh, that close up of the yarn is so yummy.

    fire season in la, so predictable and yet so unnerving.

    i wonder if my local yarn store has blue sky alpaca. the colors are gorgeous.

  5. Hang in there. It must be unbearable outside between the heat and smoke. At least your knitting should help get your mind off of the uncomfortable weather!

  6. i hope your conditions are better soon!
    jennifer, your colors are gorgeous!!
    all the best to you!

  7. I love the complete package: the style, color and name!

  8. Oh, it feels like Fall. I love the colors! I think the Summer is ended. maybe not... people are having BBQ in the backyard,,, mmm...

    Stay cool. oxox

  9. Wonderful pictures, the textures are just alive.

    I'm in the LA area too. I feel so sorry for those who lost their homes to the fires... or lost their lives.
