Monday, August 10, 2009

Portland, OR.

Back from Portland! What a great city. We missed the awful heatwave they were having. We celebrated my birthday (thank-you for all the birthday wishes, everyone :), our two friends getting married at the beautiful Chinese gardens (I'm still in awe of the 1,000 golden paper cranes that my friend's family folded for her wedding) , seeing our good friends from Seattle, exploring the city. I visited this wonderful boutique Una, and the amazing Powell's. I found the most incredible vintage design and sewing books there...more on that later!


  1. oh wow, the wedding looks so wonderful! with all these cranes!
    love chinese and japanese gardens.
    Thanks for visiting and nice comments :-)

  2. what a lovely way to spend a birthday! those golden paper cranes are just amazing.

    did you go to frances may? i wish i could go to portland, but the west coast is too far for us right now...

  3. happy birthday! i'm glad you had fun, i can't wait to go back to portland and seattle. aren't those gardens stunning?!

  4. Renilde, you are so welcome...I just love your blog and embroidery!

    Erica, ran out of time for Frances time!

    thank-you! I really like Portland, and miss Seattle...

    Thank- you...and I loooved UNA!
    Giovanna the owner has a great eye.

  5. glad you had fun. i love portland! happy belated b-day.

  6. wow
    portland really looks a great city!!
    love the leafs!!

  7. Happy belated birthday, Jennifer! Looks like you had a really good time there. I love Chinese garden. There is a small chinese garden in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. When everytime visit there, I feel so relaxed.
