Monday, August 3, 2009

(Devil's) Haircut




Well. I did it. I chopped it (rather Selin, my hairdresser) chopped it alllll off!
I was sort of going for Anne Parillaud's look in La Femme Nikita (the film NOT the television series). On one hand I'm totally used to it -I used to have very short hair for years- on the other, I'm still getting used to it! Change, overall, can be good. I feel like I'm at a weird transition in my life right now, and this seemed like an impulsive- but good- idea!


  1. I always thought that you looked great with your short hair, it showcases the fabulous cheek bones that you have.

  2. I like your new haircut Jennifer! I think I prefer rather than long hair!... And the first time I saw "Nikita", I went to cut my hair too! I adore this film...
    And I recognize this beautiful Nani Iro fabric... Did you sew this top?

  3. Claire,
    Thank-you! The fabric is actually by Virgina Johnson (see my links under favorite merchants). The dress was a Christmas gift- it came from Beklina, one of my very favorite online stores!
    I saw the film (Nikita) in the mid- '90's. Always been a favorite of mine!

    Cheryl & Jeana & Mae...thank you, you beautiful & talented women, you!
    (Mae- I've always liked my cheek bones, too. It's nice to be at an age where I finally like the way I look).

  4. you really do have fabulous cheekbones. and face. : )

    i LOVE the new hair! it's very chic. you are sooooo brave. but sometimes taking a risk really pays off, right?

    man, i love that black top you made that you're wearing in the first photo. i wish i had one and was wearing it today.

    i've never seen that movie. should i netflix it?

  5. Brand new Jennifer, isn't it fun? When I cut mine a few years ago I also loved the feeling of change and "transition" !

    I agree with the above - great cheek bones and cute all over :)

  6. you look so pretty! good for you for being so brave! it must make such a difference in the heat too.

  7. I like your new haircut very much! You made a good decision! yay!

  8. Looks great! It keep building my stash of bravery!

    There's two things I want to try...I have dark hair and brows and have never lighted my hair at all but I want to some time shave it all, well not the brows :)
    The other is go to totally platinum blond.
