Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Black Yard No More

We have been having some landscaping done in our yard and it's almost finished! Usually we are pretty D.I.Y. around here, and Tomory & Gian- Martin valiantly tried to do the job, but hauling gravel, paving stones, and boulders up our very steep hill in 90 degree weather proved to be a bit much.
So, the black weed-block Tomory put down (bio- degrades in about 10 yrs...made out of corn) is almost covered. We have been calling our backyard the blackyard for the past few weeks. Sounds very heavy metal, if you ask me.
And speaking of heavy metal, (Spinal Tap) we now have these big boulders in a Stonehenge/ Flintstonesque circle in our yard. I think it's pretty hilarious! They make great seating (pictured above).
Also some photos here of some radishes coming up, and beans. We still have plenty of tomatoes and zucchini!


  1. Wow, it looks great! Can't wait to sit on Stonehenge. :)

  2. This looks great Jennifer and congratulation! Love the play on words too :)
    You can come help me transform our frontyard now! xo
