Monday, April 6, 2009

Japanese Pants by Le Bouton

Ok. The Japanese Pants by Le Bouton. I've worn these the past 2 days if that is any indication of how much I like them! I had Lisa make these in a lightweight dark charcoal grey (almost black, really) herringbone linen. And it has been HOT here in L.A. the past few days, and these pants feel really comfortable. The design is pretty ingenious actually- you can wear the tie in the front or the back. These pants just may have broken my habit of wearing jeans all the time!
Oh, and the striped top is also Lisa's design. It's called the Marseille Moins Top. 100% silk.
$50.00. Handmade. What a bargain!


  1. Cute pants, but I really love the stripy top! I'll have to keep an eye out for another on Le Bouton's Esty shop.

  2. Gemmifer-
    It's a great top. Perfect for warm weather. I love that I can support someones work that I really enjoy-
    I hope she puts it up again for you :)

  3. i like those pants too. I wish it was as sunny here, so I could wear something so light...

  4. So nice to wear something like that in warm weather - it makes sense. The pants look great on you too!

  5. I love the pants!! The weather looks gorgeous in LA! I wish I could wear light clothes too...It's still chilly over here.

  6. Love the pants and love your blog!
