Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Corner View: Outside My Front Door

Inspired by Ritva's & Schanette's posts...who were inspired by Jane.
View from my front door.
I love the simplicity and creativity of this weeks theme is to be breakfast!
That might be pretty boring , since many days it consists of tea with milk as I'm running out the door to the hospital (I have my second breakfast - sometimes - at work).


  1. I think tea with milk sounds simply delightful. Thanks for letting me snoop around your corner. I want to be relaxing on your front porch!

  2. What gorgeous light. Especially love the shadows in first pic.

  3. Hey Jennifer! Thanks for visiting. What a great view! I´ll include you in next week´s list. Big hug!-Jane

  4. oh... this morning light is awesome. i would love to have a breakfast there too.

  5. I love getting a glimps of your world. You set up the porch and I'll make us two bowls of oatmeal with dried and fresh fruit. Let's capture some of those warm rays of sun!

    I might try this porch thing for a post too :)

  6. jeee! great, what a light you have!

  7. Caitlin...thank you! I enjoyed peeking at your world as well!

    Ruth-thanks! I like the top photo, too :)

    Jane: Thanks again for the great idea and being so inclusive.

    Nazara (I love your name by the is unusual and beautiful)this was actually taken at 5 pm. In the morning the light is different, more even, less dramatic, but nice all the same.

    that sounds perfect! Can you believe that I've never had breakfast on this porch? A glass of wine- and lunch- so I've made a promise to myself to do this soon.

    Ritva: hugs to you, and California light is wonderful- I'm fortunate to be able to take advantage of it.

  8. well you have a very nice view and light at your terrace:)
    and thank you so much for the tips at my blog! i´m going to check that zinc..

  9. this veranda is a dream!! must be very nice and relaxing to sit there and watch around!!

  10. These look great! Beautiful view!

    Have a great weekend! ox
