Sunday, November 2, 2008

Bags. Bags that I posted a detail of earlier. Bags are a nice challenge for me right now. I like putting together different combinations of fabrics-my own hand- printed and 'pre-made' fabrics.

This is the interior of the Hinemosu Notari black bag above. My own fabric on the inside here. As you can see I get a little crazy with the sewing machine. Not exactly a straight line there. But that's okay. I think it works with the design.

My own fabric on the outside of this one. Naomi Ito handles.

Back of the bag.

...and inside out.


  1. Hi Jennifer,
    These bags are so lovely!!

    Thank you for your comment on my blog!

    I have been "tagged" by Janis and now I am tagging you on my blog.
    It's "11things" about myself...

  2. oh my gosh. you are a sewing machine. not a literal sewing machine. but a gal is sewing like a machine. i love all your bags ...and your fabric!
